Vision statement
To become a centre of excellence in producing qualified, competent and God fearing health professionals who will provide quality health care in the country.
Mission statement
To prepare health professionals holistically and professionally to practice compassionate care of highest standard by identifying and solving health related challenges in the community through promotion, prevention and management of diseases in health care delivery based on scientific evidence approach.
Institution core values
- High quality
- Efficiency
- Conducive and welcoming environment
Mchukwi Institute of Health and Allied Sciences staffs believe that:
- Every student is an individual as such differs from others and has own needs, interest and abilities. Therefore the teacher should consider individual differences when planning and supervising students so as to promote learning.
- The learner is a unique individual with past experiences and needs which should be respected. Therefore the learner has the responsibility for her/his own learning and self development through active participation in the learning process.
- Collaboration is the key for success, the school will promote team work spirit to all levels of the training environment in the community, clinical setting and at school.
- Education is a continuous process therefore health workers and students shall keep abreast with current scientific change in health sector.
- A person is a human being therefore should be respected regardless of race, nationality, tribe, colour or religion of an individual.
- The learner should be provided with a conducive environment for learning so as to achieve intended goal.